Beautiful Blooms Available

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Market Bouquet

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Market Bouquet


Each market bouquet is filled with 12-15 stems of gorgeous cut flowers of farmer's choice wrapped in kraft paper. Flowers could include fancy Floret and Benary Giant Zinnias, snapdragons, yarrow, strawflowers, cosmos, Procut Sunflowers and greenery.

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Large Bouquet

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Large Bouquet


Each fancy bouquet is filled with 25 - 30 stems of gorgeous cut flowers (farmer's choice) artfully arranged in a timeless vase. Flowers could include fancy Floret Zinnias, snapdragons, yarrow, strawflowers, cosmos, and Procut Sunflowers, and greenery. 

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Bucket of Blooms

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Bucket of Blooms


Are you interested in making your own bouquets? Buy a bucket of fresh blooms of the farmer's choice and arrange yourself with several friends! Great for small gatherings, baby showers, bridal parties, etc. 50-60 stems will include a mixture of focal flowers, filler flowers and greenery (if available). This will make approximately 5 pint size jar arrangements.